Innovation in distribution

While on a market visit in rural UP, towards the end of 2009, the Coca-Cola India & South West Asia, president, Atul Singh observed that there were pockets with intermittent or no electricity connectivity, which meant that selling the beverage chilled, was a task.

While the eutectic coolers were already there, freezers specially designed and developed for the places where power shutdown is for longer duration up to 10 hrs, the bigger issue was selling chilled cola in areas with no supply of electricity.

The brief was given to the technical team and solar coolers were created, that have been piloted in rural Agra for now. While the coolers' solar power could help the rickety shop remain open much longer even after dark; in addition it had a mobile charging unit, which led to many walk-ins. Result: sales went up nearly 5 times in the areas where this concept was tested.

This bottom-up innovation, once rolled out on a large scale, is likely to be exported to other markets also. Innovation has been something that the cola brands have been trying to incorporate in a very big way, be it in distribution or packaging or formulation or in the branding.

This sort of innovation will not just help brands make profits but also serve to create a huge goodwill.


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